Bionator to Open Bite
The appliance illustrated is designed to achieve bite opening, along with the correction of anterior/posterior discrepancies, expansion of both arches and improved vertical relations of posterior teeth. A lateral expansion screw is positioned lingual to the lower incisors. An acrylic trough maintains an open bite for incisors teeth; however there is no acrylic coverage of posterior teeth, they are allowed to erupt and ultimately produce the bite opening.

Bionator to Close Bite
It is designed to achieve the standard Bionator objectives, as well as to close the bite. Acrylic coverage of posterior teeth prevents further eruption. There is no coverage of anterior teeth, which creates conditions to achieve bite closure.
Lab Requirements:
Wax construction bite that reflects the desired anterior/posterior relationship, as well as a 2-3 mm anterior vertical opening for the Bionator to open the bite, 0r 2-3 mm posterior vertical opening for the Bionator to close the bite.

Clark Twin Block
This appliance uses the forces of occlusion as the mechanism to correct malocclusion. Twin Blocks can be modified to treat a wide range of malocclusions and can achieve sagittal and vertical correction. The basic appliance incorporates and upper and lower plate. The upper plate includes an expansion screw and occlusal pads on the molars. The lower plate includes occlusal pads on the lower bicuspids. These plates interface at 70 degree angles and place the mandible in a forward position.
Lab Requirements:
Send upper and lower models and a wax construction bite with the lower advanced 5 to 7 mm and open 3 to 5 mm in the premolar region

Splint Flat Occlusal Plane
The Flat Occlusal Plane Splint is also known as a hard nightguard. It's fabricated on the maxillary or mandibular arch. It's a full coverage with an even,flat occlusal surface for the opposing teeth to contact. The Flat Splint opens the vertical slightly and allows the mandibular arch to sit comfortably in its own position coinciding with the temporomandibular joint. This is also used to prevent bruxism.
Lab Requirements:
Send upper and lower stone models and a centric occlusion bite.

Anterior Repositioning Splint
The Anterior Repositioning Splint, also known as the Pull Forward Splint Relation is used to recapture anteriorly displaced discs. This full coverage maxillary splint is used for night wear. These splints are usually fabricated with a wax bite bringing the mandible into a protrusive position.
The upper splint position is maintained by means on an acrylic flange with rests lingual to the lower anteriors and indexes the lower buccal cusps. The flange maintains position even at night when the jaw relaxes. The lower splint maintains position with deep buccal, lingual and incisal indexing of the upper cusp tips.
Lab Requirements: Send upper and lower stone models and protrusive bite.