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E-Z Lingual Retainer System

A custom-made  transfer tray which allow s for easy placement  of lingual bonded multi-strand wire lingual retainers. The tray has channels which allow the excess bonding material to escape.

Lower Lingual Holding Arch

This fixed appliance can be used  to accomplish space maintenance or holding the arch after fixed appliance treatment. The standard design utilizes .036" wire adapted to the arch and soldered to bands.

Adjustments  loops can be incorporated. This appliance can also be made as a removable.

Lingual Arch with Adjustment Loops

Wilson 3D Lingual Arch

This removable lingual arch features easy vertical placement and removal. It provides mandibular anchorage  as well as arch length increase., including slight molar distalization one side at a time. It can also provide lower molar rotation, torquing or tipping.

Thumb Habit Appliance

This fixed appliance  incorporates a crib which is adapted above the surface of the rugae area of the palate which prevents suction and discourages thumb sucking. Soldered to bands with .040" lingual wires, the crib can also include prongs extending from the crib providing a more aggressive design.

Tongue Crib Habit Appliance

This fixed appliance incorporates a vertical  oval crib of .040 wire which prevents tongue thrusting. Soldered to bands with .040 lingual wires.

Blue-Grass Tongue Habit Appliance

The “Blue Grass” Appliance is designed to correct tongue trust/thumb sucking habits. A teflon roller that spins on a support wire acts as a substitute habit. The palatal lingual wire holding the roller is soldered to bands on the first molars.

Nance Button

This fixed appliance has an acrylic button in the palate and is joined by  .040 wire which can be soldered to any of the posterior teeth to prevent mesial drift.

Transverse Palate Arch

Distal-Jet Appliance

The Distal Jet appliance will provide accurate and predictable molar distalization without tipping the molars. This is done by placing small expansion screws on the buccal of the arch. The anchorage is an oversized Nance button in the anterior of the palate. The appliance is anchored to bands on the first bicuspids and first molars. The first bicuspids will follow the first molars down the alveolar process. If the patient has fully erupted second molars the appliance is anchored to the second molars and the second bicuspids. In this case the second bicuspids will follow the second molars down the alveolar process.

Band Loop Space Maintainer

This fixed appliance is a unilateral space maintainer that is used in edentulous  areas to prevent the drifting of the adjacent teeth.

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