RPE - Rapid Palate Expander
This fixed appliance is ideal for the expansion of the midpalatal suture. The RPE illustrated achieves lateral expansion. It is an all stainless steel 11 mm expansion screw soldered to the molar and bicuspid bands. It is also soldered to the molar bands with wire extensions to the bicuspids. A lower version of the RPE is available for lateral expansion of the mandibular arch.
Telescopic Super Screw
This expansion appliance is designed for easy anterior access to activate the screw using a wrench. A lock-nut option allows the orthodontist to lock the expander once activation is complete. The appliance that is illustrated is the bonded version; however, it is also available soldered to bands.
Quad Helix
A fixed appliance used to correct unilateral or bilateral crossbites, expand posterior segments or align crowded teeth. It has many adjustments points which can be activated with a 3 prong plier.
Removable Quad Helix
This appliance achieves expansion, contraction, rotation or torque. The four helixes provide excellent elasticity. Extra long arms permit many options in the transfer or forces to various teeth. Because it is removable, the arches can be activated outside the mouth and accurately checked in the mouth. Molar torque can be easily reactivated, changed and checked.
Hilgers Pendex
This fixed appliance produces a molar distalizing effect in the maxilla. A large acrylic button is used as an anchoring component with .032 TMA spring producing a light and continuous force against the molars. The middle line screw provides palatal expansion which can be accomplished prior the molar distalization, or both movements coordinated to the patient's specific requirements.
Upper Schwarz
A removable appliance that corrects bilateral cross bites and helps eliminate anterior crowding. The standard design features a Hawley Bow, Ball and Adams Clasps and palatal expansion adjustment screw. Additional attachments or springs can be added and the Schwarz is available with or without occlusal coverage.